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मेरो माटो - Kul Bahadur KC (अधिराज्यव्यापी छन्द कविता लेखन प्रतियोगिता २०६२ मा प्रथम हुन सफल कविता ) Best Nepali Poem

                        मेरो माटो  (अधिराज्यव्यापी छन्द कविता लेखन प्रतियोगिता २०६२ मा प्रथम हुन सफल  कविता ) माटोको ममता छ भित्र मुटुमा माया छताछुल्ल छ मैले स्नेह गरेर छुन्छु करले माटो  यहाँ फुल्दछ । यै माटोसित प्रेम गर्दछु मता सच्चा किसानी बनी आस्था रोप्छु म देशको जतनले छोपेर ढुङ्गा पनि ॥ यो माटो मठ हो पवित्र तुलसी, श्रीखण्डको लेपन जन्मे बुद्ध र जानकी अघि यहाँ माटो छ यै पावन । यो धर्तीभरको उचा शिखरमा मेरै छ माटो सुन ठूलै यत्न गरेर वीरहरुले सक्छन् त्यहाँ उक्लिन ॥ मेरा सिर्जनशील हातह छन् माटो छ यै उर्वर  मैले बस्न हुँदैन काम नगरी राखी कसैको भर । अर्काको भरमा हुँदैन कहिल्यै उत्थान वा उन्नति आफैमा परिपूर्ण बन्नु छ अझै यै हुन्छ राम्रो अति ॥                        -  कवि   कुलबहादुर के. सी. This is not the complete poem. For full poem send us a mail at . We will send you the complete Mero Maato Poem from Kul Bahadur KC in your inbox. Your email will be safe with us. Poems 24 Nepal. the largest collection of best Nepali poems

Indian media salutes Nepali boy Memory King Bijay Shahi, says brain is faster than Robot

Indian reporter says Nepali boy Bijay Shahi is faster than computer

An Indian reporter from Aarohi Films recently published a video about the Nepali boy, Memory King Bijay Shahi who has been trending in each nook of the Nepali social media. At the time of this post, the video has been watched by more than 1 lakh 25 thousand people. It's proof that the Nepali star Mr Bijay Shahi is getting watch time in international media as well.

The Indian reporter went as far as comparing Bijay Shahi with the Robot character of Bollywood movie Superstar Sir Rajinikanth from the Superhit movie Robot. He said that Rajinikanth turning pages within seconds and memorizing everything was fake as it was a movie but, Bijay Shahi is the real deal. He said Bijay Shahi was the real-life Robot from the movie.

The video is going viral in Nepal and has been watched by many Indians and Nepalese. The young boy from Kalikot Nepal recently memorized 676 words within 5 minutes in a popular talk show 'Janata janna Chhahanchan'(जनता जान्न छाहन्छ्न् in Nepali) with the renowned journalist Rishi Dhamala. Mr Bijay Shahi is trending in Nepal. His Tattato Khabar video with Bhagya Neupane trended #1 in Nepali Youtube channel with more than 1 million views. Bijay Shahi also claimed that he was invited by NASA in Bhagya Neupane's video. He claims he has a formula and will teach to the world, and they can also achieve his feat.

Here is the link to the video of the Indian youtube reporter:
बिजय शाही की दिमाग नहीं कम्प्यूटर है - Bijay Shahi Memory King of The World | Aarohi Films

Did you know that Bijay Shahi memorized 25,000 words in 1 minute? Read this post. Link below:
19 year Nepali boy Bijay Shahi memorizes 25,000 words in 1 minute. World Record holder miracle.

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Share your thoughts on this in the comments below. Are you sceptic or not, let us know?

References/ Credits
1. Video by Aarohi Films

Links to other Videos referred in the above post.
1. Mahabharat memorized in 3 minutes, Nepali Dictionary in 5 minutes, watch the miracle
महाभारत ३ मिनेटमा, नेपाली शब्दकोष ५ मिनेटमा पढेर सुनाउने विजय शाहीको हेर्नुस चमत्कार

2. Miracle, Bhagya Neupane makes you meet with Bijay Shahi
नेपालीले तुरुन्तै हेर्नुहोला...OMG कस्तो अचम्म Bhagya Neupane ले यस्तो युवा भेटाए Bijaya Shahi

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यस्तै रोचक समाचार र नेपाल प्रख्यात कविहरुजस्तै लेखनाथ, कुलबहादुर के.सी. , भानुभक्त, लक्ष्मीप्रसाद देवकोटा ,भुपी शेर्चन, आदिका कविताहरु पढ्न यो website लाई subscribe गर्नुहोला ।
Read poems from Nepal's greatest poets like Lekhnath Paudyal,                         Kul Bahadur Kc, Bhanubhakta Acharya, Laxmi Prasad Devkota, Bhupi Sherchan and more.

All the claims are made by Bijay Shahi and the author of this post isn't responsible if the things are proved otherwise.
